أثر الثقافة البصرية والعوامل البيئية على التعبيرات الفنية في رسوم الألطفال

The Impact of Visual Culture and Environmental Factors on Artistic Expressions in Children’s Drawings


  • Khalid Mohammed Al-Saud King Faisal University - Department of Art Education




Self-expression, Visual experiences, Formalities, Environment, Drawing


The importance of this study is through the identification of children’s ability to express art through drawing, in addition to measuring the impact of visual culture and environmental factors on the development of this expression. The study sample consisted of the children of the sixth grade in the primary stage in the city of Al-Ahsa who are (130) students for the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher used in this study the scale of drawing test for the children’s responses and an analysis card for these drawings. All these tools were checked and verified. The study used the experimental method to investigate the effect of visual culture and environmental factors on artistic expression in children’s drawings. The method of monovariance analysis was also used through the statistical software package (spss). The results of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean variables of the effect of visual culture and the environment on artistic expressions in children’s drawings, and there were statistically significant differences between the arithmetic averages of the visual culture variable and the environment variable in favor of the natural environment, the industrial environment and people.


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How to Cite

Khalid Mohammed Al-Saud. (2024). أثر الثقافة البصرية والعوامل البيئية على التعبيرات الفنية في رسوم الألطفال: The Impact of Visual Culture and Environmental Factors on Artistic Expressions in Children’s Drawings. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT072019-11