الـحُرّيات الفرديّة فـي مُـجتَمَعَات إسلاميّة: تحليلٌ سوسيولوجي لعَلاَقَة الشَّباب الـمغربيّ بالجَسَد والجِنسَانِيّة

Individual Liberties in Islamic Society: A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Moroccan Youth to Body and Sexuality


  • Azzeddine El Faraa Ph.D. Regional Academy of Education and Formation Eastern Region, Morocco
  • Fatima Ika Ph.D, LADSiS, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco




Individual Freedom, Youth, Morocco, Islam, Sociology


This paper aims to contribute to the scientific debate on the course and destiny of individual liberties in Morocco-Islamic contexts. By liberties, it is understood here to mean cultural attitudes and relationship represented by how the young relate to their bodies, and how they engage in sexual practices. This research is a sociological study on the relationship between symbols of individual liberties and how those representations get articulated in individual practices among a sample of Moroccan youths. Through close reading and reflection on some of the findings of a field study on Morocco’s individual liberties, it was found that some issues related to individual liberties, such as body relations and sexual practices before and/or outside marriage, posed many controversies. The findings establish a research problem that begs the central question: To what extent does the way young Moroccans treat their bodies and gender practices get expressed reflect their individual freedom in Moroccan society as an Islamic society? To answer this problematic question, we relied on the analytical descriptive approach. The data on which the analysis was based formed from the results of a quantitative field research based on the form’s technique in which the authors of the paper participated. This quantitative research was also supported by Keffi's achievement through interviews in March 2022 with women and men in Casablanca as Morocco's largest city.


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How to Cite

Azzeddine El Faraa, & Fatima Ika. (2024). الـحُرّيات الفرديّة فـي مُـجتَمَعَات إسلاميّة: تحليلٌ سوسيولوجي لعَلاَقَة الشَّباب الـمغربيّ بالجَسَد والجِنسَانِيّة: Individual Liberties in Islamic Society: A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship between Moroccan Youth to Body and Sexuality . Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(2), 103–122. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122023-8