Relationship of Marital Satisfaction, Family Support and Family-Work Conflict Factors Among Malaysian Fathers with Adolescents


  • Mahayudin, A.A. Institute of Teachers Education, Islamic Education Campus
  • Azahari, R. Academy Of Islamic Studies, University Of Malaya



Fathers, Adolescent children, Marriage satisfaction, Family support, Family-work


The study on contextual factors in Malaysian family is more concentrated among mothers compared to the fathers. Malaysian fathers are often influenced by these factors embedded in the family. This study examines the level of contextual factors among fathers of adolescent children. The survey was conducted using a simple sampling method, on a group of 413 fathers with adolescent children from all districts in the state of Selangor, West Peninsular of Malaysia. A set of questionnaires was used to derive data from the fathers̕ contextual factors which are marriage satisfaction, family support and work-family conflict among fathers of adolescents. Analysis on frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Pearson correlations were used to investigate the level and correlation of contextual factors among fathers of adolescent children. The Pearson
correlation shows that there is a significant correlation between work-family conflict and marriage satisfaction and between family support and marriage satisfaction. However, there is no significant correlation between family support and work-family conflict. The study proficiently contributes towards the exploration of influencing factors for the involvement of fathers in parenting.


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How to Cite

Mahayudin, A.A., & Azahari, R. (2024). Relationship of Marital Satisfaction, Family Support and Family-Work Conflict Factors Among Malaysian Fathers with Adolescents. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 5(2), 19–30.