Teori Kaunseling Psiko-Spiritual Al-Ghazali: Suatu Pendekatan Alternatif dalam Intervensi Kaunseling

The Al-Ghazali Psycho-Spiritual Counseling Theory: An Alternative Approach in Counseling Interventions


  • Nor Ezdianie, O. Pusat Pengajian Pembangunan Sosial dan Ekonomi, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia, 21310 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu
  • Mohd Tajudin, N. Kaunselor Profesional Berdaftar & Perunding Psikologi Kaunseling, Twin-Towers Medical Centre KLCC, Kuala Lumpur




Counseling, Theory, Psycho-spiritual al-Ghazali Counseling Theory, Alternative, Interventions


This article discusses an alternative approach of counseling interventions in Malaysia. The premise of this approach is based on the view of the al-Ghazali Psycho-spiritual Counseling Theory about the importance of using a counseling technique that is appropriate to the values and socio-culture of the majority of Malaysians. This approach is a paradigm shift in counseling services in Malaysia which has been largely dependent on the Western counseling approach over the last six decades. The al-Ghazali Psycho-Spiritual counseling approach is an approach that combines elements of spirituality and religion that are derived from the Qur’an and the Hadith. The author believes that it is time for Islamic counselors to explore more counseling approaches related to the psychology and beliefs of the Muslim community. This paper focuses on two basic areas: that of our philosophy and assumptions about humans, and the counseling techniques from the al-Ghazali perspective. It concludes that the al-Ghazali Psycho-spiritual counseling approach is the latest platform in counseling services that has to be explored and learned by counseling practitioners to empower the profession.


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How to Cite

Nor Ezdianie, O., & Mohd Tajudin, N. (2024). Teori Kaunseling Psiko-Spiritual Al-Ghazali: Suatu Pendekatan Alternatif dalam Intervensi Kaunseling: The Al-Ghazali Psycho-Spiritual Counseling Theory: An Alternative Approach in Counseling Interventions. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(2), 69–77. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122019-7