الاتجاه الإسلامي عند الشعراء الرواد في العراق

Islamic Trend Among the Pioneering Poets in Iraq


  • Nafi’ Hammad Muhammad University of Tiqrit, Iraq
  • Munjid Mustafa Bahjat Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia




Islamic trends, Islamic culture, Modern Arabic poetry


Free verse poetry has faced fierce criticism by scholars who claim that its use is detrimental to ancient Arabic and Islamic poetic heritage. The evolution of poetic form and content does not mean the destruction of poetic tradition, as both change to become more suited to deal with emerging issues. This research aims to study the Islamic trend among the pioneering poets and its importance in the life of Muslim communities. By following an analytic approach in the analysis of Islamic poetic texts (free verse), the findings show a strong influence of Islamic heritage and values on the poetry produced by the pioneering poets. This also supports the notion that free verse remained consistent with the values of the Islamic civilization, despite the influence of Western poetry.


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How to Cite

Nafi’ Hammad Muhammad, & Munjid Mustafa Bahjat. (2024). الاتجاه الإسلامي عند الشعراء الرواد في العراق: Islamic Trend Among the Pioneering Poets in Iraq. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(2), 107–116. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122019-10