الأسس والضوابط الشرعية للتبادل التجاري الحاضر مع غير المسلمين: دراسة تحليلية

Principles and Shariah Rules for Current Commercial Exchange with Non-Muslims: An Analytical Study


  • Muneer Ali Abdul Rab Faculty of Sharia and Law, University of Islamic Science Malaysia




Basics and controls, Trade exchange, Islamic law, Muslims, Non-Muslims


Future trade exchange between Muslim countries and others are vitally critical. A country can never seperate its economy from the rest of the world either advanced or developing. In view of the ignorance of many Muslim countries and Muslim traders of the provisions of this matter and the contrast of commercial transactions in present time as compared to the old times, this research seeks to clarify the foundations and legal rules for the current commercial exchange between Muslims and others. This research employs the inductive and analytical method to extrapolate and collect texts related to the research subject from the adopted sources. Subsequently, an analysis of the foundations and legal rules for the commercial exchange between Muslims and non-Muslims is conducted. This research yields several results, the most important of which is that trade exchange between Islamic countries and others is permissible in order to meet the needs of the Muslim community. Permitting trade exchange with non-Muslims – be it export or import – is based on the foundations and controls of legitimacy. The commercial exchange with non-Muslims shall be in accordance with the provisions and principles of Islamic Shariah. Furthermore, the exchange between them does not lead to unwarranted loyalties and that dealing with them in good qualities and deeds as well as to achieve trade exchange with them for the interests of Muslims.



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How to Cite

Muneer Ali Abdul Rab. (2024). الأسس والضوابط الشرعية للتبادل التجاري الحاضر مع غير المسلمين: دراسة تحليلية: Principles and Shariah Rules for Current Commercial Exchange with Non-Muslims: An Analytical Study . Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(2), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122019-11