The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Achievement Motivation on Entrepreneurial Aspiration: The Case Study of Students from Riau Province


  • Norasmah, O. Center of Leadership and Educational Policy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Sukarni, A. Universitas Islam Riau, Padang Indonesia



Entrepreneurial aspiration, Access to capital, Entrepreneurial knowledge, Social networking, Achievement motivation, Self-efficacy


This study aims at identifying the influence of
self-efficacy and achievement motivation on
students’ entrepreneurial aspiration. It focuses
on five main factors: self-efficacy, access to
capital, social networking, entrepreneurial
knowledge and achievement motivation. We
administered a questionnaire to 389 university
students and used AMOS to conduct a path
analysis of the data. The results suggest that
all five analyzed factors influence students’
entrepreneurial aspiration. Self-efficacy is
mainly influenced by entrepreneurial knowledge,
while social networking, access to capital and
achievement motivation are less influential.
Also, achievement motivation is influenced
by social networking and entrepreneurial
knowledge but not by access to capital and
self-efficacy. Students’ entrepreneurial
aspiration can be fostered by including in their
entrepreneurship study curriculum subjects
that are related to entrepreneurial knowledge,
achievement motivation, self-efficacy, access
to capital, and social networks.
Keywords: ; ; ; ; 


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How to Cite

Norasmah, O., & Sukarni, A. (2024). The Influence of Self-Efficacy and Achievement Motivation on Entrepreneurial Aspiration: The Case Study of Students from Riau Province. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 79–92.


