Definisi Cinta dalam Kalangan Remaja Prasiswazah Muslim di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia


  • Syaidatun Nazirah A. Z. Pusat Citra Universiti, Universiti Kebangsan Malaysia
  • Maslawati M. Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Love, Youths, Higher Institution, Muslim, Emotion


The abundance of various negative information in the mass media has resulted in many social problems such as baby dumping, rape and incest. These negative influences have adversely affected Malay youths as early as 13 years old. Some of these social problems are the results of their interpretation of love. In their interpretation, lust is the basis of love. Therefore, Malay Muslim youths should be taught the definitions of love in order to help them in selecting the appropriate platform. Over 20 years ago, Fehr and Russell (1991), has explored and developed a prototype in defining love and emotions. According to them, love and emotions are generic skills which could be applied to friendship, family relationship and others. Since then, many related studies have been carried out abroad to obtain youths’ definitions of love. However, there are very limited studies on Malay Muslim youths’ definitions of love. Thus, this qualitative study was embarked to identify the Malay youths’ definitions of love and its sources. There were 599 respondents from 6 tertiary institutions in this study. They came from a diverse education background and academic programmes. The research instrument in this study is the open-ended questions in a survey questionnaire which are based on Fehr and Russell’s prototype. The findings of this study indicate that in general, Malay Muslim youths’ defined love based on Islamic teaching. They also recognized that love is one of the most essential aspects of life. The researchers also discovered that friends are the respondents’ primary source of knowledge. Therefore, it is high time that the subject on love should be introduced formally at tertiary institutions in order for them to be guided by the Islamic perspective. The correct understanding of love is essential in helping them to lead a more beneficial and meaningful life.


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How to Cite

Syaidatun Nazirah A. Z., & Maslawati M. (2024). Definisi Cinta dalam Kalangan Remaja Prasiswazah Muslim di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 9(1), 107–121.


