Pengurusan Kewangan di Agensi Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia: Keberkesanan Audit Dalam

Financial Management in Government Agencies


  • Mohd Aidil, A.A. Fakulti Pengurusan dan IT , Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, 33000, Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia.
  • Suzaihan, S. Fakulti Pengurusan dan IT, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, 33000, Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia.
  • Noorhaslinda, Z.A Fakulti Pengurusan dan IT, Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, Bukit Chandan, 33000, Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia.



Internal audit, Auditee, Top management, Financial management


The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a way of measuring in relative terms how a country or area performs from the perspective of security. One of the yardsticks of the GPI is the measure of transparency in government administration. Interestingly, the audit report tabled by the Malaysian Auditor General for the year 2015- 2016 has revealed a systemic weakness in the financial management of governmental federal agencies. Theoretically speaking, had the internal auditing been performing effectively, such a problem would not have occurred. It is undeniable that there are internal and external factors that may actually be useful in ensuring the effectiveness of internal auditing. Among the external factors is the cooperation between the agency being audited and the support given by the top management. The primary objective of this research therefore is to study the relationship between the external factors, that is, between the agency-management cooperation, and the effectiveness of internal auditing. As many as 240 questionnaires were successfully collected from the respondents from the internal audit unit. A quantitative analysis has been conducted involving not just a descriptive analysis but also, a multiple regression analysis that utilizes the IBM SPSS software package. Research results show that the cooperation between the agency that is being audited and the support coming from the top management positively contributed to the effectiveness in internal auditing in Malaysian federal government agencies. The finding of this research will enable the increase in theoretical understanding of the role of cooperation between an auditee and executive management support that ultimately points to the effectiveness of internal auditing and the benchmarking of performance assessment in the Malaysian government federal agencies.


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How to Cite

Mohd Aidil, A.A., Suzaihan, S., & Noorhaslinda, Z.A. (2024). Pengurusan Kewangan di Agensi Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia: Keberkesanan Audit Dalam: Financial Management in Government Agencies. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 7(2), 155–161.