Pengaplikasian Etika Kerja Islam oleh Pengamal Perhubungan Awam di Organisasi Berteraskan Islam di Malaysia


  • Nur Nasliza Arina, M.N. Pusat Pengajian Komunikasi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
  • Jamilah, A. Pusat Pengajian Komunikasi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia



Public Relation Practitioner, Public Relation Practices, Islamic Work Ethics, Islamic Work Ethics Influence, Islamic-based Organisations


Public relation practitioners are the conciliators or mediators between organisations and the public. Therefore, ethics is one of the most important elements to be considered by public relation practitioners in performing their tasks. The purpose of this research is to study the application of Islamic Work Ethics (IWE) by public relation practitioners and how IWE can assist and influence public relation practitioners in carrying out their duties ethically. This research uses qualitative research method through face-to-face in-depth interview including document analysis for triangulation purposes. For face- to-face in-depth interview, the respondents are 10 public relation practitioners who are working in selected Islamic-based organisations in Malaysia. Meanwhile, document analysis involves analysis on organisations’ official website, annual report and organisations’ monthly bulletins to verify the information obtained from the in-depth interview. The findings show that the application of IWE by public relation practitioners is aligned with the concepts and ideas of IWE which are discussed by figures and well-known scholars of IWE. The findings also discovered that IWE provides positive influence in public relation practices in the aspect of professionalism, self-motivation, quality of work and self-integrity of the public relation practitioners.


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How to Cite

Nur Nasliza Arina, M.N., & Jamilah, A. (2018). Pengaplikasian Etika Kerja Islam oleh Pengamal Perhubungan Awam di Organisasi Berteraskan Islam di Malaysia. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 8(1), 93–105.