
  • Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Faculty of Languages and Communications, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia
  • Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud Centre for Language Studies & Generic Development, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Jeli, 17600, Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia



Instructional Design, ADDIE Model, Arabic for Tourism, Web-based Learning, Instructional Technology


In the 21st century, educators are utilizing emerging technologies to develop not only knowledge of graduates, but also their soft kills in order to enhance their competencies, in parallel with employers’ requirements. Web-based learning has been widely used by many educators, especially in higher education institution due to its benefits for both students and teachers. A good understanding of educational theories and instructional design system is required in order to experience a meaningful learning. Appropriate instructional models are needed to produce effective learning materials. This study explores the adaptation of ADDIE instructional model in designing and developing a special website for learning Arabic for Tourism Purpose by using Grav® CMS as the platform. The aims of developing this learning prototype are to provide new learning experience to Arabic learners, provide references for them after class, and address the effectiveness of using web-based learning. This study can provide a guideline to develop instructional materials for language learning particularly language for specific purposes.


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How to Cite

Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani, & Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud. (2018). ADAPTATION OF ADDIE INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL IN DEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL WEBSITE FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 8(2), 7–16.