Perception Towards Secondary History Curriculum Among Somali Students in Malaysian Higher Institutions


  • Abdi Omar Shuriye School of Business and Social Sciences, Albukhary International University, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Mohamud Yousuf Muse Hargeisa University Somaliland



S/Somalia, S/Land, Punt Land, Perception, History, Curriculum, Textbooks


The objectives of this study were to detect whether the integration model is invariant across three different History curriculums. The essential purpose of this research was also to decide whether the hypothesized perception towards secondary History curriculum model fit the data. An ultimate sample size consisted of (n=350) participants was employed for this study. The second phase of data was analysed employing two software tools which were SPSS and AMOS. SPSS edition 16.0 was run for the entire descriptive process and EFA, whereas the AMOS tool edition 18.0 was employed to run the Confirmatory Factor Analysis to examine hypothesized model fit of the intended data. However, the predicted model result depicted that there are no significant variations among S/Somalia, S/Land and Punt land students the perception towards secondary History curriculum between them.


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How to Cite

Abdi Omar Shuriye, & Mohamud Yousuf Muse. (2024). Perception Towards Secondary History Curriculum Among Somali Students in Malaysian Higher Institutions. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(1), 51–65.