Newspaper, Feminist, Marginalization, MinangkabauAbstract
Minangkabau is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia who inhabits the western part of Sumatra Island. During the years of 1900-1942, 209 types of newspapers were published by this ethnic group with various themes and writing styles, eight of which were about women. Women’s newspapers were initiated by women. Substantially, the major themes of these newspapers were feminist movement against gender discrimination and inequality. Hence, the publication of these newspapers became the medium for feminist movement in Minangkabau. This movement influenced and contributed towards the emergence of the political, social, educational, cultural, and economic movement for women. Through this movement, women gained access to those respective aspects. Therefore, gender equality on the access to education, welfare, and justice was achieved. Women’s newspapers act as the Minangkabau feminist movement against marginalization in Indonesia.
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