Penggunaan Pendekatan Teori Sistemik dalam Proses Kaunseling Keluarga:Implikasi Pendidikan dan Latihan Kaunselor Malaysia.

Application of Systemic Theory in Family Counseling Process: Implication of Education and Training for Malaysia Counselors


  • Norhayati Bt. Mohd. Noor Department of Education and Wellbeing Community , Faculty of Education, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Akbariah Mahdzir Malaysia Jepun Institute Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 54100 Kuala Lumpur



Family Counseling Process, Systemic Approach, Family Counselor, Counselor Tranning


The study aims to explore the use of systemic approaches in the practice of family counseling by counselors at various community ‘setting’ counseling centers in Malaysia. The study was conducted with 12 counselors from the Negeri Sembilan Religious Council Counseling Center, the Social Welfare Department, and the National Population and Family Development Board. Data was analyzed thematically by using Nvivo 11. Results show that all counselors used the system/systemic approach in handling family cases. The preferred systemic approaches of the counseling practitioners are the Multigenerational, Structural, Strategic, and Brief therapies. The factors underlining the use, selection and practice of systemic approach among counselors are discussed in this article.


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How to Cite

Norhayati Bt. Mohd. Noor, & Akbariah Mahdzir. (2018). Penggunaan Pendekatan Teori Sistemik dalam Proses Kaunseling Keluarga:Implikasi Pendidikan dan Latihan Kaunselor Malaysia.: Application of Systemic Theory in Family Counseling Process: Implication of Education and Training for Malaysia Counselors. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 8(2), 85–95.