إمكانية السياحة الحلال في بنغلاديش: التحديات والآفاق


  • Muhammad Moinuddin Dept. of Quranic Sciences & Islamic Studies Faculty of Shariah & Islamic studies International Islamic University Chittagong Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh




Halal tourism, Possibilities, Challenges, Bangladesh


Halal tourism has recently emerged as part of global tourism, which is based on Islamic principles and legitimate controls, and has a significant impact and wide-ranging influence that must be taken care of and taken into account. Bangladesh is one of the largest countries with the largest Muslim population, so its human resources, natural beauty, heritage and Islamic monuments have good potential to be part of the halal tourism industry. The research aims to highlight the reality of the potential of halal tourism in Bangladesh because of the presence of key elements of tourism, tours and excursions. Some Islamic countries such as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and others have also succeeded. Although it has great opportunities to improve this new trend in Islamic tourism, there are internal and external obstacles that challenge its application and development in the country. The research followed a descriptive approach, gathering information and data from various books, articles, newspapers, magazines and from global tourism-related bodies in Bangladesh, such as the World Travel and Tourism Board. All data obtained from secondary sources were then analyzed, and some recommendations were finally concluded. The research attempted to provide some measures and recommendations to improve this entire potential well to develop halal tourism in Bangladesh, to attract halal tourists from Islamic and non-Muslim countries.

Author Biography

Muhammad Moinuddin, Dept. of Quranic Sciences & Islamic Studies Faculty of Shariah & Islamic studies International Islamic University Chittagong Kumira, Chittagong-4318, Bangladesh


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How to Cite

Muhammad Moinuddin. (2024). إمكانية السياحة الحلال في بنغلاديش: التحديات والآفاق. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 159–166. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJATSI112019-14