Motivation in Reading Arabic Literature Books Among Students of Kelantan Religious Schools
Self-efficacy, Subjective value, Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Frequency of readingAbstract
Motivation plays an important role in learning because it activates learning behavior. However, empirical studies that investigated the influence of motivation dimensions on the activities of reading Arab literature books among students taking religious examination papers (STAM) have not yet been conducted. Four dimensions of motivation namely self-efficacy, subject value, intrinsic orientation and extrinsic orientation were studied based on the Expectancy-Value Theory and Self-Determination Theory. As such. this study was conducted to identify the influence of four-dimensional motivation on the frequency of reading Arab literature books among students taking STAM exams and examine the influence of Arabic language proficiency on the relationship between the dimension of motivation and frequency of reading. The study involved 375 students who took STAM examination in schools managed by Yayasan Islam Kelantan (YIK). Structural Equation Modelling using Smart PLS software was utilised to get the results of the study. The findings showed that only self-efficacy dimension (B-0.162, 1-2.370, p<0.01, 12-0.018) significantly affected the frequency of reading Arab literature books while the analysis on the influence of Arabic language proficiency as the moderator factor (B-0.168, 1-1.932, p<0.05) proved to be significant towards the relationship between self-efficacy and frequency of reading Arabic literature books. This finding revealed the importance of self-efficacy in predicting the frequency of reading Arabic literary textbooks and its effect on the frequency of reading Arabic literary textbooks that depends on the level of Arabic language proficiency Implications of this study from theoretical and practical point of view are also discussed.
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