Applications of Waqf-Featured Fund in the Malaysian Islamic Fund Management Industry: A Comparative Study


  • Muhammad Taqi'uddin Mohd Hamzah Kenanga Investors Berhad
  • Syahnaz Sulaiman Faculty of Economics & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Muhammad Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin Faculty of Economics & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Aznan Hasan Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia



Waqf, Waqf-Featured Fund, Islamic Fund Management, Islamic Unit Trust Fund


Historical evidence demonstrates the enormous role waqf institutions have played in the development and advancement of Muslims throughout the Muslim history. With the proper structure and strategy, waqf contributes to numerous spheres of life, including mainstream economic development. Contemporary development of Islamic finance has enabled the waqf concept to be linked to various financial products, including Shariah-compliant investment instruments, such as, Islamic unit trust funds and Islamic wholesale funds. This paper aims to highlight the current applications of the Waqf-Featured Fund (WFF) in the Malaysia Islamic Fund Management Industry. This is in relation to the launch of a new WFF framework to facilitate the offering of Islamic funds with waqf characteristics. The study took both qualitative via in-depth semi-structured interviews with eleven (11) WFF stakeholders, as well as, analyzing of policy documents, journal articles, books, and online resources. The findings shed light on the current issues and challenges confronting waqf projects in Malaysia, as well as the current guidelines and essential requirements for the WFF, the current application of the WFF in the Malaysian Islamic Fund Management (IFM) industry, and a proposal for the future application model, which includes fund collection, investment structure, distribution process, and fund reporting.

Author Biography

Muhammad Taqi'uddin Mohd Hamzah, Kenanga Investors Berhad




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How to Cite

Muhammad Taqi’uddin Mohd Hamzah, Syahnaz Sulaiman, Muhammad Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin, & Aznan Hasan. (2024). Applications of Waqf-Featured Fund in the Malaysian Islamic Fund Management Industry: A Comparative Study. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(1), 90–118.