Argumentation in the Glorious Qur'an: A Rhetorical Pragmatic Perspective


  • Musaab A. Raheem Al-Khazaali Dept. of English, Faculty of Languages University of Kufa, Post Box No.: (21), University of Kufa, 22 St., Kufa, Najaf, Iraq



Qur'an, Argumentation, Pragmatic, Rhetoric, Strategic maneuvering


This ethnographic study investigates the The study aims via a qualitative discourse analytic method to investigate the pragmatic and rhetorical devices and strategies in the Qur'anic argumentation. In an attempt to contribute to the pragmatic and rhetorical understanding of argumentation in the Glorious Qur'an depending on contemporary models, the study has focused on originating the notion of Hijaj in both Arabic and Western rhetoric in their pragmatic and dialectic spheres. The findings revealed that the most important strategies that are employed in the Glorious Qur'an involve rhetorical questions, speech acts, argumentative structures and persuasive rhetorical moves (logos, pathos and ethos). The paper concludes with the finding that the Qur'an has a highly organized structure of argumentation which is based on a set of dialectic, pragmatic and rhetorical devices and strategies including strategic maneuvers and rhetorical questions.


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How to Cite

Musaab A. Raheem Al-Khazaali. (2024). Argumentation in the Glorious Qur’an: A Rhetorical Pragmatic Perspective. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 10(2), 9–18.