Identifikasi al-‘Ūd al-Hindī Dalam Hadith `Umm Qays Berdasarkan Rujukan Turath Dan Biogeografi


  • Rusni Mohamad Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Thuraya Ahmad Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia



Identification, Classical references, Hadith, Biogeography, al-‘Ūd al-Hindī


al-‘Ūd al-Hindī  is amongst substances recommended by prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) as medicine for ailments. It is a nomenclature for two herbs known within the community of the prophet and the early generations after him. However, existing hadith translations whether in English and Malay, are inadequate to put forth the correct identification of the plants. The flaws lie in mistranslation, as well as the incorrect assigning of their binomial nomenclature. To address the matter, this study focuses on al-‘ūd al-Hindī reported in a sound hadith narrated by `Umm Qays. The aim is to provide the right identification for al-‘ūd al-Hindī and its binomial nomenclature. This study employs the qualitative approach through literature review for data collecting followed by contextual analysis for data processing. Through the chosen method, this study aims to identify the characteristics of the plants as found in classical hadith canons. In addition, it delves into the biographical data of the hadith transmitters in order to trace their compatibility with the classical data, thus enabling us to identify the species. Based on the analysis, this study identifies two kinds of herbs of the al-‘ūd al-Hindī: the al-qusṭ al-Hindī dan al-qusṭ al-baḥrī. These are roots of Dolomiaea costus and Arctium lappa. Notwithstanding, based on current interpretation for al-‘ūd al-Hindī in the hadith, could not be well defined, thus giving us only an approximate translation and interpretation of the herbal plant. This study therefore recommends that adequate interpretation for nadir plants be carefully crafted so as to ensure reliability and compatibility between what we could now possibly unearth and propose and what is historically recorded in classical books and the biographical data of early Islamic history.


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How to Cite

Rusni Mohamad, & Thuraya Ahmad. (2024). Identifikasi al-‘Ūd al-Hindī Dalam Hadith `Umm Qays Berdasarkan Rujukan Turath Dan Biogeografi. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(1), 136–150.