Listening to Everyone's Voice: The Contested Rights of Muslim Marriage Practices in Eastern Indonesia
Ijbar rights, Islamic law, Marriage practices, Law in text, Law in actionAbstract
This ethnographic study investigates the dialectics of Islamic law and sociocultural aspects of how Bimanese Muslim in eastern Indonesia interpret and apply rights to force (ijbar) of male guardians to marry their daughters to prospective grooms of their choice. Such rights to force, granted by Islamic doctrines (figh) to patrilineal lines, are continuously negotiated by its sociological interpretations of Bimanese Muslims. While Islamic doctrines represent Islamic jurists' reasoning on ijbar, local practices uncover public argumentation of such rules and this article aimed at discussing the contestation further. It also amplifies the narrative of the Indonesian Muslim community from small ethnic groups, such as Bima, which are still under-studied. Therefore, in the framework of Indonesian Islam, known as 'Islam Nusantara,' as it is being developed in Indonesia today, results of this study are far-reaching, that is, to provide more nuances of Islamic law and practices in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study rectifies the general view of ijbar rights that are merely connoted with the rights of the father and grandfather to enforce marriage on women. It is also argued that ijbar rights are peculiarly defined and dynamically practised, being shaped by social development, marriage traditions and cultural values in particular societies.
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