Pesanan Untuk Wanita: Kemiripan Peribahasa Melayu Dengan Al-Qur'an
Malay proverbs, Women in Islam, Advice, Metaphor, Al-Qur'anAbstract
This study discusses the shifting of This working paper discusses similarities between advice for women presented through Malay proverbs and that of the verses of the Qur'an. While Malay proverbs present the advice metaphorically, the Qur'an, on the other hand, discusses it in a literal and easy-to-understand language. This research is a qualitative study that adopts the document analysis method. The study identified and selected seven Malay proverbs giving advice to women. These proverbs were then matched with the Islamic rulings mentioned in the Qur'an. The proverbs were also further classified to provide a more focused discussion. Textual analysis found that the selected proverbs could be appropriately classified into two perspectives, namely a woman's physical traits and her status as a woman. In terms of a woman's physical characteristics, the proverbs contain advice related to her sight and voice. Meanwhile, the proverbs about the woman's status describe them as unmarried, not a virgin, a widow, and a prostitute. In relation to advising women, the Malay proverbs can be examined from a multi-dimensional angle because women have a distinctive place in the Malay community. Islam also places women in a special position with rules and regulations that need to be followed.
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