Implikasi Tekanan Kepada Pengamal Pemulihan: Analisis Terhadap Keletihan Emosi, Mekanisme Daya Tindak dan Sokongan Pekerjaan

The Implication of Stress Upon Rehabilitation Practitioners: An Analysis on Compassion Fatigue, Coping Mechanism and Job Support


  • Yusmini Md. Yusoff Jabatan Dakwah dan Pembangunan Insan, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
  • Nur Akmal Zakiah Ahmad Jabatan Dakwah dan Pembangunan Insan, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
  • Tengku Sarina Aini Tengku Kasim Program Pendidikan Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA



rehabilitation practitioner, stress, compassion fatigue, coping mechanism, job support


The profession of helping relationship especially in providing rehabilitation services has the potential of exposing practitioners to stressful events.  The work nature of rehabilitation which constantly faced with complex psychological issues has certain implication in practice.  Therefore, to further understand the subject matter of stress, the article brings forth its discussion with respect to compassion fatigue, coping mechanisms and job support which can be acquired by these practitioners who work specifically with religious deviance cases.  The research method employed in this study was a qualitative approach utilizing in-depth interviews techniques.  A total of ten Muslim rehabilitation practitioners within Selangor and the Federal Territory of Putrajaya had participated in this study.  The findings were analysed in a descriptive manner and the results indicate that emotional and compassion fatigue syndromes have significant effects on rehabilitation practitioners either professionally or personally.


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How to Cite

Yusmini Md. Yusoff, Nur Akmal Zakiah Ahmad, & Tengku Sarina Aini Tengku Kasim. (2024). Implikasi Tekanan Kepada Pengamal Pemulihan: Analisis Terhadap Keletihan Emosi, Mekanisme Daya Tindak dan Sokongan Pekerjaan: The Implication of Stress Upon Rehabilitation Practitioners: An Analysis on Compassion Fatigue, Coping Mechanism and Job Support. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(1), 186–201.