Isu Perkahwinan bagi Wanita Muallaf tanpa disertai oleh Suami di Great Britain pada Perspektif Maqasid Syariah
The Issue of Marriage for Women Converts without Their Husband in Great Britain from the Perspective of Maqasid Syariah
Muslim minority, Muallaf, Maqasid Syariah, Marriage, WomenAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the issue of marriage for women who convert to Islam without their husbands following suit, from the perspective of Maqasid Syariah (the objectives of Islamic law). This qualitative research employs an exploratory method, with data gathered through semi-structured interviews with several local muftis and Islamic scholars in Britain. The findings indicate that the dissolution of marriage in certain situations can cause harm to these female converts, both emotionally and psychologically, which may tarnish the image of Islam as if it seeks to dismantle the family institution. This is despite some husbands being open-minded about religious matters and even supporting their wives in fulfilling their responsibilities as Muslims. Therefore, this issue requires a different approach depending on the situation. The implications of this study suggest that mufti should adopt a gradual (tadarruj) approach and display tolerance in the application of Islamic law when dissolving such marriages, as their lack of firm understanding of Islam could lead to misconceptions about the religion. Further research is recommended to broaden the discussion of this issue in other Muslim minority countries.
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