Sahih Bukhari Hadith’s View of Social Justice in Multiethnic Nation
Principles, Hadith, Social justice, Multiethnic, Sahih BukhariAbstract
Malaysia, a multiethnic nation with a diverse population of races, faiths, and political beliefs, requires an effective and contemporary strategy to maintain social stability. Political competition, however, is often racialized due to conflicting ethnic interests and social injustices. To ensure national security in the face of racial tensions and promote multiethnic social justice, certain principles are fundamental. The primary aim of this article is to highlight the principle of social justice in the community, as derived from Sahih Bukhari. The study employs qualitative methodologies to collect and analyze documentary data. Textual data is thematically analyzed using the ATLAS.ti version 9 application. The data collection method focuses on qualitative analysis of documents. The findings reveal the social justice principles in multiethnic societies as outlined in Sahih Bukhari. The study identifies five key principles emphasized in the book: religion, justice, peace, harmony, and stability. It also examines multiethnic issues related to politics, culture, and economics within the context of social justice. The eight hadiths in Sahih Bukhari on social justice in a multiethnic nation are categorized into five principles. The research suggests that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) establish a framework for justice within the Madani culture. The concepts of religion, justice, peace, harmony, and stability are essential components of multiethnic social justice and are fundamental to building a civilized society.
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