نحو معجم عربي موحد لمصطلحات الجيوماتكس: تحديات الترجمة العلمية والتعريب وأثر المرجعية الثقافية

Towards a Unified Arabic Dictionary of Geomatics Terms: Challenges of Scientific Translation, Arabization and the Impact of Cultural Reference


  • Abdullah M Walid Kamel Geomatics Department, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, King Abdul Aziz University P.O Box 80200, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Technical term, Geomatics, Translation and Arabization, Unified dictionary, Cultural reference


The goal of this research is to identify the challenges and obstacles that hinder the development of a unified technical dictionary of Geomatics terms. The focus is on ensuring that synonyms are compatible in translation and Arabization, as they play a crucial role in comprehending the fundamental concepts of this field in classical Arabic. Geomatics is a scientific term for an engineering specialty that emerged from the development and integration of well-known scientific branches, but ambiguity surrounds this term, its function, and its importance to the public and even to those interested in spatial information about the Earth's surface. In order to strengthen classical Arabic as a language that works well for comprehension and communication in professional and educational environments, the research focused on the significance of having a unified technical dictionary of Geomatics terms. The Unified Dictionary Data Bank of the Arab Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization is one approved reference that was used to assess how familiar a sample of students from King Abdulaziz University's Department of Geomatics was with Arabic synonyms for the most well-known scientific and technical terms in this field. It was found that a variety of factors make it challenging to develop accurate, specialized synonyms. These include cultural references, dictionaries that don't keep up with technological advancements, the fact that Arabic synonyms often have different meanings and terminological variations, the lack of specialized Arabic sources, and the tendency to write and speak in a hybrid way.


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How to Cite

Abdullah M Walid Kamel. (2024). نحو معجم عربي موحد لمصطلحات الجيوماتكس: تحديات الترجمة العلمية والتعريب وأثر المرجعية الثقافية: Towards a Unified Arabic Dictionary of Geomatics Terms: Challenges of Scientific Translation, Arabization and the Impact of Cultural Reference. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 14(2), 259–282. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122024-17