Manfaat Halia dalam Kitab Perubatan Melayu Cerminan Kearifan Lokal
Benefits of Ginger that Reflect Local Wisdom in Malay Medicine Manuscript
Ginger, LancsBox 6.0, Local intelegence, Medicine manuscript, Malay medicineAbstract
The ginger plant contains a nutritional and bioactive compound that is extremely beneficial to our daily lives. It is well-known for its numerous health benefits as a traditional medicine in addition to being a staple ingredient in cooking. The objective of this study is to identify the benefits and properties of ginger that reflect local wisdom in medicine as recommended by Malay tradition and religion in the Traditional Medicine Book Al-Rahmah fi-al-Tibb wa al-Hikmah. Furthermore, this study demonstrates the benefits of the ginger plant (Zingiber Officinate Roscoe) as a selected plant that focuses on nutrition from a health perspective in accordance with ancient practices as a medicinal substance that affects the basic elements of the human body. The properties and benefits of the ginger plant, as described in the Malay medical book Al-Rahmah fi-al-Tibb wa al-Hikmah, have a significant impact on health conditions and disease-curing ingredients. The study employs a qualitative research design. This study applies content analysis methods using #LancsBox 6.0 software and library methods. The study's findings demonstrate that ginger herb plants are utilized to treat ten different kinds of illnesses, which reflects the traditional medical practices of earlier communities' use of their local knowledge. Additionally, ginger has been shown to have a positive effect on a person's body and to help balance akhlat and (mizaj) temperamental aspects. The benefits of the ginger plant are complementary to modern medical prescription drugs and have nearly the same effect, making this study crucial to the ongoing discovery of traditional Malay medicine's treasures. Furthermore, the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals with ginger as an ingredient can support Malaysia's economic growth.
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