Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberkesanan Perhubungan Awam Islam: Penelitian daripada Perspektif Al-Quran dan Al-Hadis
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Islamic Public Relations: An Analysis from the Perspective of The Quran and Hadith
Effectiveness, Public relations, Islamic public relations, Al-Quran, Al-HadithAbstract
This study examines the factors influencing the effectiveness of Islamic public relations based on the perspective of the Quran and Hadith. The study originates from the issue of the limited understanding of the concept of Islamic public relations. This is due to the frequent reliance on conventional approaches as the primary reference, despite the existence of an Islamic approach offering its own principles and values within the field of public relations. To address this, a qualitative approach through library research was employed, analyzing Quranic and Hadith texts as well as related academic writings. The findings reveal four factors influencing the effectiveness of Islamic public relations: (1) transparency and honesty - siddiq, (2) alignment with Islamic values - taqwa, (3) respect for cultural sensitivities - adab, and (4) crisis management and conflict resolution - sulh. These findings provide practical guidance for building harmonious relationships between organizations and communities in line with Islamic principles.
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