الأنساق الثقافية في المقامات الأدبية المعاصرة (في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين)
Cultural Patterns in Contemporary Literary Maqamat (In the Second Half of the 20th Century)
Al-Maqamah, Cultural patterns, The revivalist trend in literature, The 20th century, Modern proseAbstract
The research dealt with several axes, including the definition of the Arabic Maqama, its literary status, and studies concerned with studying the cultural systems that accompanied it. Other axes dealt with the historical stages it went through since its inception until the beginning of the twentieth century. I used the historical and cultural method in this research by tracing the cultural contexts accompanying the Maqama in the second half of the twentieth century. The result was that the cultural systems in which the Maqama appeared were formed into three systems. The first is the revivalist system that appeared again to add modern styles and techniques to the form of the Maqama that had not been added to it before, while the second system is exclusionary and confronted attempts to revive the Maqama and marginalize it through several methods. While the third system is a different cultural system, it did not pay attention to both systems and surpassed them, and set out towards the first maqamat in the fourth and fifth centuries AH, and tried to imitate them again and devote care and attention to them, especially since they became a companion to scholars and preachers who showed great interest in the language, to help them in the discussions of the Sharia, and to revive this scientific tradition throughout the ages, this system was formed, and the maqamat of contemporary scholars and preachers were influenced by it, such as the maqamat of Al-Qarni and Al-Harbi, without paying attention to the literary form of the maqamat and caring about its development.
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