Penulisan Al-Quran pada Pelepah Tamar, Batu dan Tulang di Zaman Awal Islam Menurut Perspektif Al-Farahi
The Writing of the Quran on Palm Leaves, Stones and Bones in the Early Islamic Era from the Perspective of Al-Farahi
Early Islamic period, Dirayat, Al-Farahi, Quranic writing, Exegesis, Ulum al-QuranAbstract
One of the topics debated in ulum al-Quran is the History of the Compilation of the Quran. Generally, the Quran's compilation during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was carried out in two ways: through memorization and writing. The common view is that memorization was more dominant than writing, as writing tools were scarce and limited at that time. There are narrations that indicate the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) wrote the Quran on palm leaves, stones and animal bones. The question is, how accurate are these accounts? What is the overall picture of Quranic writing during the early Islamic period? Hence, this study aims to examine and analyze the narrations related to Quranic writing from the perspective of Al-Farahi. He was a renowned Quranic scholar from India, famous for his theory of Nizam al-Quran (the coherence of the Quran). This study is significant in identifying the strength of these narrations from the aspect of dirayah (narrative analysis). To achieve the stated objective, the researcher employed the documentation method for data collection. For data analysis, the researcher used the content analysis method. This study concludes that the compilation of the Quran was completed during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the perspective of Al-Farahi. Additionally, the primary writing of the Quran during that period was on suhuf (sheets or parchments). As for the writing of the Quran on palm leaves, stones, and bones were used as secondary or supplementary. This study opens for critical research on the history of the Quran’s compilation during the early Islamic period.
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