Determinants of Selection of Halal Tourism Destination: A Case Study of the UAE


  • Abdelghani Echchabi Business Department, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
  • Anca Bocanet Business Department, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates
  • Rihab Grassa Business Department, Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates



Halal Tourism, UAE, GCC, Hospitality


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing tourists’ selection of the UAE as their halal tourism destination. The study focuses on tourists who visited the UAE between January 2019 and February 2020, with special emphasis on tourists from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). A mixed methodology approach is used to achieve the study’s objectives: a quantitative survey to collect data from 600 respondents, and in-depth interviews with 10 interviewees to obtain richer and more meaningful information about the respondents’ experiences and perceptions about the different halal tourism dimensions. Research findings revealed that cities’ security and safety measures, family entertainment activities, halal food diversity and international restaurant chains serving halal food are the most important factors influencing tourists to choose the UAE as one of the best halal tourism destinations. Overall, our respondents were highly satisfied with their halal tourism experience in the UAE. This is the first study that explores the determinants of tourists’ selection of the UAE as their next/best halal tourism destination, taking into consideration that Dubai is among the most visited cities in the world. Moreover, this study provides new theoretical and practical contribution to halal tourism. The findings could help tourism operators in the UAE to further develop halal tourism and to explore the opportunities it offers the country. The findings also have significant contribution to the tourism literature and to the practitioners and policy makers as well, since they provide important insights on the main factors that influence tourists’ selection of the UAE as their halal tourism destination. This can in turn help promote the UAE as valuable halal tourism destination regionally and internationally. This study also sheds light on new opportunities for the UAE to become the most attractive halal tourism destination. The findings will help practitioners to better understand halal tourism, in order to develop marketing strategies to attract Muslim tourists and encourage repeat experience.


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How to Cite

Abdelghani Echchabi, Anca Bocanet, & Rihab Grassa. (2024). Determinants of Selection of Halal Tourism Destination: A Case Study of the UAE. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 12(1), 186–203.