Development of Science Spiritual Model for Pre-school Education


  • Hamdi Rahman, M.Y. Center for Islamic Thought and Understanding, UiTM Perak, Bandar Baru Seri Iskandar, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
  • Sofian Sauri, H. Faculty of Arabic & Literature, Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan, Bukit Chandan, 33000 Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia
  • Nurul Naim, A.R. Faculty of Management, Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan, Bukit Chandan, 33000 Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia



Science spiritual model, Education, Contemplation, Intelligence, Pre-school concept


According to the Islamic Education Philosophy, the success of the education system can be achieved when an individual who has total devotion to God in all areas could be produced. The objective of this paper is to develop a science spiritual model for pre-school level to cultivate a balanced character of Muslim child as early as that, to be at the starting point to the formation of personality in the future. This model focusses on the development of the child’s spiritual intelligence through comprehensive application of three skills such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence and physically intelligence, all of which are part of the National Education Philosophy where it emerges in the implementation of contemplation (tafakkur). This approach is expected to endow with strong foundation for the students in developing their spiritual cognitive intellegence as a preparation to obtain the next level of education more efficiently, especially to strengthen their spiritual elements.



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How to Cite

Hamdi Rahman, M.Y., Sofian Sauri, H., & Nurul Naim, A.R. (2024). Development of Science Spiritual Model for Pre-school Education. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 2(1), 23–34.

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