The Scale Validation of Family Takāful Awareness: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
Awareness, Attitude, Subjective Norm, Product Knowledge, Family Takaful, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)Abstract
Family takāful awareness is gaining interest from stakeholders, including Takāful operators and researchers. However, the instrument for evaluating administrative support staff awareness needs some revalidation. Hence, the purpose of this study is to validate the factor structure assessed by its determinants, including attitude, subjective norm, and product knowledge. A valid sample of 368 administrative support staff from Malaysian public universities participated in the primary data collection through a structured questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the measures were assessed, showing strong reliability with Cronbach's Alpha values above 0.70. Thus, 21 modified items were used to gauge Family takāful awareness. This study offers initial support for the reliability and validity of the instrument employed, suggesting its effectiveness in gathering data on family takāful awareness. Incorporating additional factors and conducting comparative studies can provide deeper insights into family takāful awareness among administrative support staff at Malaysian public universities.
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