Faktor Penentu Pembayaran Zakat Masyarakat Islam di Negeri Terengganu
Determinants of Zakat Payment Among the Muslim Community in Terengganu
Zakat Collection, Zakat Payment, Zakat Management, Zakat Development, Determining FactorsAbstract
The statistics of zakat collection by the Terengganu Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIDAM) which is increasing from year to year is a very good development for MAIDAM and the Muslim community of Terengganu. Researchers are interested in identifying the factors that influence the compliance of zakat payment by the Muslim community in Terengganu. Thus, this study aims to (i) identify the relationship between the factors of knowledge, exposure, self-efficacy, attitude, and awareness towards zakat payment and (ii) propose a model related to the relationship between knowledge, exposure, self-efficacy, attitude and understanding towards zakat payment. Using quantitative methods, a set of questionnaires developed based on previous studies were distributed to 384 people in the Terengganu Muslim community using multi-layer area sampling techniques and random sampling. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS Version 22 and Smart-PLS Version 3.2.7 software. The findings found that the factors of knowledge, exposure, self-efficacy, and attitude showed a significant relationship to the payment of zakat, while the factor of understanding did not influence respondents in paying zakat. This finding can help related parties in formulating strategies to increase the amount of zakat collection from the Muslim community in the future. However, the findings of this study are only limited to five determining factors. Hence, future research should expand its scope to encompass additional determining factors for more comprehensive outcomes.
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