Adolescent Mental Health Interventions: A Review of Psychological and an Islamic Approach
Mental health, Islamic approachAbstract
Mental health programs among adolescents are conducted with various approaches based on the program's objectives and the target population's needs which impact mental health and well-being. The objective of this review is to examine the implementation of mental health intervention of the psychological and Islamic approaches in maintaining mental health among adolescents. This review's main sources are articles from databases, Scopus, Eric, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. Most psychological approaches emphasize emotional well-being in interventions, while Islamic approach, viewed mental health care holistically. This includes obeying religious teachings which positively impact teenagers' well-being. The exploration of adolescent self-development, including social well-being and emotional, spiritual, and religious values is important to increase the effectiveness of mental health interventions among adolescents. Both Psychological and Islamic approaches can be applied in promoting mental health interventions. Mix-method approaches such as Islamic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (ICBT) can be explored for modifying negative thoughts while incorporating spiritual and religious practice.
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