Religious Factors and Emotional Well-Being Among University Students in Asian Countries
Emotional, Wellbeing, University, Student, ReligiousAbstract
The emotional well-being of a university student is influenced by various factors and they face a unique set of challenges that can impact their overall well-being. The objective of this review is to examine the religious-related factors that contribute to university students' emotional well-being in Asian countries. A comprehensive searching strategy was employed across various databases, including SCOPUS and Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria were studies published in the last five years (2019-2024), focusing on emotional well-being and writing in English, and qualitative and quantitative studies were considered. Articles were carefully reviewed to assess their relevance and quality. Many studies shed light on the interplay between religiosity, spirituality, and emotional well-being, emphasizing their profound impact on students’ lives, including their academic success. This review underscores the importance of external factors such as social support, social media, religious coping, and self-compassion as key contributors to the emotional well-being of university students. Consequently, when examining the determinants of students’ emotional well-being, it is crucial to integrate these influential external factors, given their significant role in shaping students’ overall well-being and daily lives.
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