Impak Pendekatan Terjemahan Terhadap Kualiti Penterjemahan Eufemisme al-Quran ke Bahasa Melayu
Impact of Translation Approach on the Accuracy of Quranic Euphemism Translated into Malay
Quran Translation, Euphemisms, Translation Approach, Translation QualityAbstract
Translation of the Quran into Malay poses challenges due to cultural and linguistic factors. Among the difficulties faced by translators are conveying the true meaning of Quranic euphemisms and thoroughly examining the linguistic rules within society. Therefore, the application of appropriate translation methods is significant for producing high-quality works. This study was conducted to identify the impact of translation approach on the quality of the translation of Quranic euphemisms into Malay. This qualitative study was conducted by adapting the Euphemisms Translation Evaluation Model in the Quran (MPPEQ) by Olimat (2018) and Newmark's (1981) Semantic & Communicative theory. In this study, the researcher applied content analysis methods, focusing on six samples of Quranic euphemisms listed in the Corpus of Euphemism in the Quran by Olimat (2019). Four translations of the Quran into Malay were selected as study materials. The findings indicate that the applied translation approaches result in two impacts: successful translations and less successful ones. Consequently, the success and imperfection of translations depend on the approach used and the choice of words. The findings also demonstrate that methods incorporating additional explanatory insertions sometimes cause confusion in meaning due to functional lexical factors. Furthermore, maintaining the source text's register can be applied when there are similarities in linguistic and cultural elements within society. The study also found translations that do not retain the euphemistic style, resulting in discourse implications of dysphemism. In conclusion, the study has explored new dimensions related to the concept of euphemism in the Quran and its translation approaches into Malay.
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