Kesan Modul Terapi Realiti (MTR) Terhadap Ciri-ciri dan Kemurungan Mangsa Buli dari Perspektif Islam
Alliteration and Assonance Rhymes as Sources of Linguistic Rhythms of the Fatihah Chapter that Synchronize the Brainwaves
Acoustic Phonetic, Al-Quran, Brain Waves, I’ja al-Quran, Mental Wellness, RhymeAbstract
Sound rhythm is one of the factors that make the sound of the Holy Quran rhythmic and synchronous that change the rhythm of human brain waves. However, less studies have been found, and previous studies have focused more on the end rhyme system (end faselah) of the verses of the Qur'an. Thus, we conducted an acoustic phonetic study on the rhyming system in the verses of the Qur'an which is the source of the rhythmic sound in the verses of the Qur'an which contributes to the aesthetics of the sound. Acoustic phonetic analysis was performed on sound waves from Surah al-Fatihah using PRAAT software by comparing its intensity with Arabic News. As a result, we found the existence of a rhyme system of alliteration and assonance in the verses of this surah, that is, in the first, third, fifth and seventh verses which are highlighted by the contours of intensity and time duration of letters, syllables and words that show the greatness of God, giving birth to a feeling of closeness to God in addition to giving birth to the effect of persuasion which is the basis of spiritual therapy. In addition, the end rhyme system found in the Fatihah Chapter is significant (p<0.05) compared to the Arabic News. In conclusion, the Fatihah Chapter also has a rhyme system in its verses, not only at the end of the verse, suggesting that the brain that listens to the sound of the Qur'an is able to synchronize and form rhythmic and harmonious waves that influence mental and physical well-being.
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