نشأة علم الأديان في الفكر الإسلامي: مقاربة مفاهيمية تاريخية

The Early Foundations of the Study of other religions in Islamic Thought: Historical and Conceptual Approach


  • Badrane Benlahcene The Ibn Khaldun Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Qatar University
  • Ibrahim Mohammad Zain College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar




conceptual approach, historical approach, religious phenomenon, principles of studying religions, Tawḥīd


This research aims to uncover the principles and methods upon which the science of religions is based in Islamic thought, approaching its subject matter from a conceptual-historical perspective. To achieve this, the topic has been addressed from two integrated methodological angles: firstly, the historical tracing of the origins of these principles and methods in relation to the cultural and civilizational context of Muslim society, and secondly, an analysis of the most important methodological foundations that laid the groundwork for the approaches of this science, shaping its character in the study of religious phenomena.

The research concluded that this new science, in its historical formation, mainly based on the principles of Tawḥīd (oneness of God), universality of ethics and integration of different methods in the process of evaluating the religious phenomenon. Furthermore, it followed different techniques and methods in the study of religious phenomenon such as description, narration, and translation of scriptures, personal observations, travels and others.


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How to Cite

Badrane Benlahcene, & Ibrahim Mohammad Zain. (2024). نشأة علم الأديان في الفكر الإسلامي: مقاربة مفاهيمية تاريخية: The Early Foundations of the Study of other religions in Islamic Thought: Historical and Conceptual Approach. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(2), 124–148. https://doi.org/10.7187/GJAT122023-9