Pengkelasan Kamus Biografi Sebagai Naratif Alternatif Pengajian Ḥadīth Kurun Ketiga dan Keempat Hijrah: Satu Kerangka Abstrak Sejarah

Biographical-Dictionary Classification as an Alternative Narative of 3rd and 4th Hijri Century Ḥadīth Studies: An Abstract Historical Framework


  • Muhammad Fawwaz Bin Muhammad Yusoff Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800, Nilai Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia



ḥadīth studies, biographical dictionary, human sciences, historiography, history


Apart from reflections on contemporary study tools, accessibility to historical sources has opened a new dimension in exploring the history of ḥadīth studies and Islamic studies in general. Nonetheless, the sources for the historical study are inadequately standardized and organized in order to provide an overview of the history of ḥadīth studies from the third and fourth centuries of hijrah. By employing full library research method, this paper attempts to provide three dimensions of authority, space and time for a proposed classification of kutub al-rijāl or biographical dictionary in the tradition of ḥadīth sciences that can also be regarded as an alternative narrative source. It also aims to scrutinize how the role of certain disciplines of human sciences such as historiography, anthropology, sociology, geography, cartography and others can play in approaching the biographical dictionaries for the construction of abstract framework of this oldest Sunni intellectual tradition studies. The preliminary analysis shows that the data present great potential for the construction of an abstract framework of the history of ḥadīth studies in the third and fourth centuries of hijrah through three dimensional classification of biographical dictionaries along with several human sciences approaches.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Fawwaz Bin Muhammad Yusoff. (2024). Pengkelasan Kamus Biografi Sebagai Naratif Alternatif Pengajian Ḥadīth Kurun Ketiga dan Keempat Hijrah: Satu Kerangka Abstrak Sejarah: Biographical-Dictionary Classification as an Alternative Narative of 3rd and 4th Hijri Century Ḥadīth Studies: An Abstract Historical Framework. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 13(1), 120–134.