Integrating Tayyib Principles in Halal Health Products and Services: A Holistic Consumerism Approach
Tayyib, Consumerism, Halal, Health products, Health servicesAbstract
Islamic consumerism is growing in importance, especially in the halalan tayyiban market, which heavily influences the global economy. However, in Malaysia, while many products meet halal standards, these products frequently fail to meet the tayyib standard, thereby undermining the objective of promoting well-being and preventing harm. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the elements of tayyib in health products and services. This qualitative study employs data collection methodology such as document analysis and expert interviews, with content analysis used for data interpretation. The findings highlight that the tayyib aspect remains underemphasized compared to the halal aspect in health products and services. Enhancing halal certification to include tayyib could significantly strengthen Malaysia's role as a global halal hub. This approach would enhance consumer trust and set a global standard for broader adoption of comprehensive halal and tayyib practices. Subsequent investigations should examine tayyib standards across various sectors to ensure comprehensive application.
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