Pengaplikasian Kaedah Hadis Tematik dalam Pembinaan Isi Kandungan Risalah Dakwah
The Application of the Thematic Hadith Method in the Construction of Da'wah Messages
Da'wah, Content of the messages, Da’wah messages, Pillars of da'wah, Thematic hadithAbstract
The message of da'wah is one of the pillars of da'wah that must be emphasized, especially in selecting content that aligns with the needs of the da'wah target audience. The content of a good da'wah message should be accompanied by arguments based on specific evidence that aligns with the theme of the message. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the concept of thematic hadith knowledge and the suitability of applying the thematic hadith method in constructing the content of da'wah messages. This study is qualitative in nature, using content analysis methods as data collection instruments and data analysis through theme classification and description. The study found that there is a suitable application through seven (7) general steps of thematic hadith in producing the correct and accurate content of da'wah pamphlets. The suitability is summarized into six (6) processes, namely the determination of the title and theme of the da'wah pamphlet, the collection of important content related to the title and theme, the filtering of important content based on scope, the formation of engaging techniques in the presentation of the pamphlet's content, the use of language in the booklet that can maintain the credibility of a preacher, and finally a conclusion or summary that can provide motivation. The implications of this study are expected to give a clear understanding to muslim preachers about the importance of methods and ethics in producing good da'wah messages.
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