Mapping the Halal, Safety, and Quality Food Industry for Micro and Small Enterprises in Pasuruan Regency


  • Ekaning Siti Rahayu Pasuruan Regency Regional Development Planning Agency, 67153, East Java, Indonesia
  • Sucipto Sucipto Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
  • Siti Asmaniyah Mardiyani Departement of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Malang Islamic University, Indonesia



halal food, MSEs, quality, regulation, safety


Most of the processing industry's business actors in the Pasuruan Regency are micro and small enterprises (MSEs). The COVID-19 pandemic primarily affects MSEs, particularly those without business legalities. Some halal and quality food regulations need to be followed. This study aimed to map the halal, safe, and quality of MSEs in the food industry. Surveys, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were used in this method. According to the findings, food industries increased the added value of local ingredients while also creating jobs in rural areas. Robusta coffee powder products had patents and geographical indications in this regency. Processed fish had halal certificates, becoming local brands. Most of the MSEs' processed foods are halal but not certified. The MSEs' knowledge of halal and qualified materials, including food additives, is minimal. Internal audits by MSEs of halal control points (HCP) and critical control points (CCP) are not conducted periodically. Halal and safety food policies have yet to be applied in many MSEs. Halal certification in MSEs is still less than 5%. Sanitation hygiene and good handling practices (GHP) in several MSEs must be improved. The support from Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, universities, Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), and Local Government has yet to be integrated. Integration and collaboration are expected to improve MSEs' food industry knowledge, skills, attitude, and integrity.


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How to Cite

Ekaning Siti Rahayu, Sucipto Sucipto, & Siti Asmaniyah Mardiyani. (2024). Mapping the Halal, Safety, and Quality Food Industry for Micro and Small Enterprises in Pasuruan Regency. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 77–89.

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